Tuesday 4 October 2011


Our first shot will be a mid shot of our character entering a science lab.
we only see the back of him and this is consistent throughout our film to build suspense and keep his face a mystery to the audience.
our second shot will be a close up of our mystery character's shoes. we have chosen a specific type of shoes to show how much the character has changed since a time when he was unpopular and bullied.
In our third shot we are going to use a tilt shot starting from the characters feet going up to his shoulders. We will not let the audience see our mystery character as we don't want to let them know who the killer is.
In our forth shot we will use a panning shot of the science lab to show the audience all of the chemicals and to show them what the character is doing, this again creates suspense for the audience watching what is going on.
Our next shot will be a flash back of the character's past as it will inform the audience that the character got bullied when he was younger and give the audience an insight that he would like to get revenge.
Our next shot will be a combination of a close up and point of view shot of the character's bag to show that he is putting the bomb into his bag and getting it ready to plant it on one of the previous bullies bags.
In the penultimate shot of the opening scene we see the main character approaching the window looking at his victims, we see a close up of his cunning smile. This then gives the audience ideas of what might happen next.
In the final shot of the opening scene we see the main character leave the room he was watching his victims from, as he leaves we see his hand reach into his bag and the scene cuts. (the audience know that the bomb is in the bag).

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