Thursday 29 September 2011

Frame - First 1 mintue of Premonition analysis (starts at 1.28 secs):
Frame 1: A birds eye shot is used to establish that the character is in a car, this is also established by the diagetic sounds of car doors shutting. During this shot a shallow focus is used through out.

Frame 2: During frame 2 you notice that the scenes colour has been distorted, it seems a lot brighter than what it should. The scene uses the concept of light and dark in order to portray the genre of psycho thriller.
You also see a close up of a 'happy' couple, this shot then zooms out into a mid shot. (A two shot)

Frame 3: A mid shot of a front door, this seems completely normal, however the red bow on the front suggests it may be a present/suprise! Red however has many connotations one of them I think of is love, and the second is evil, I feel the film makers have used this to show how object can have different meanings. This again connects with the genre of pyscho thriller.
The shot then zooms out and you see the couple and the door together with a sold sign, this makes it clear to the audience watching what has happened.

Frame 4: A close up to show the couples reaction to what has just happened. (A two shot) Another shallow focus shot is used to create more effect.

Frame 5: A side shot of the couple is shown, its shown using a mid shot.
Again I think this is used to show the reactions of the characters from a different perspective. (Shallow focus is again used).

Frame 6: Another face on shot of the characters is used.
Again a shallow focus is used showing only the main features in the scene (the actors).

Frame 7: A second side shot of the actors is used, the male actor is shown dangling keys infront of the females face, again making a point of what is happening during the scene.

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