Thursday 29 September 2011

Frame 1: 0:53 Seconds the camera has used a zooming shot/long shot to suggest that something is going to happen to the building as it gets closer. Also as we get near we can hear a shot threw the window which is a diegetic sound.

Frame 2: We see a man in a clowns mask which indicates that the character isn't to be known which makes us the audience want to watch more and find out who he is. The light is low in this frame to portray the genre thriller.

Frame 3: I think this frame uses a wide shot to show us what the character is doing. This frame again is using diegetic sound, and from this we can see him load the gun up. From that we can tell that they are trying to get to the other side to the next building. Again the light is low in this frame.

Frame 4: In this frame the camera does a long shot focusing on the clowns mask as it gets closer. After a car appears and makes a diegetic sound of the car braking quickly to pick the character up. As that happens, the background music appears to build up the thought of something going to happen to do with the men in clown masks.

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