Friday 7 October 2011

Film Classifications

U Universal - Suitable for all
Discrimination - No discriminatory language or behaviour unless disapproved of.
Drugs - No illegeal drug/drug references unless they are infrequent and are giving a striclty anti-drug message suiatble for younger children.
Horror - Scary scenes must be brief,and unlikely to worry children of young ages. The outcome of the 'scary' scene must be reassuaring for viewers.
Imitable behaviour - No potentially dangerous behaviour which young children would want to copy. The behaviour if necessary should be unrealistic.
Language - Use of only mild bad language when absoloutley necessary.
Nudity - Occasional natural nudity (no sexual context)
Sex - Mild sexual behaviour and references only (e.g. kissing and 'making love')
Theme - Should not be confusing for the audience and the treatment must be sensitve and appropraite for younger children.
Violence - Very mild violence only and also only very mild threats.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

Our first attempt - Story Board!

This is our first attempt for a story board for our film, while watching it back using final cut and youtube we've realised we will have to add more than just the 10 shots to make our opening scene more interesting for our target audience, we will also add music either during filming making it diagetic, or during post production making the sounds non-diagetic.


Our first shot will be a mid shot of our character entering a science lab.
we only see the back of him and this is consistent throughout our film to build suspense and keep his face a mystery to the audience.
our second shot will be a close up of our mystery character's shoes. we have chosen a specific type of shoes to show how much the character has changed since a time when he was unpopular and bullied.
In our third shot we are going to use a tilt shot starting from the characters feet going up to his shoulders. We will not let the audience see our mystery character as we don't want to let them know who the killer is.
In our forth shot we will use a panning shot of the science lab to show the audience all of the chemicals and to show them what the character is doing, this again creates suspense for the audience watching what is going on.
Our next shot will be a flash back of the character's past as it will inform the audience that the character got bullied when he was younger and give the audience an insight that he would like to get revenge.
Our next shot will be a combination of a close up and point of view shot of the character's bag to show that he is putting the bomb into his bag and getting it ready to plant it on one of the previous bullies bags.
In the penultimate shot of the opening scene we see the main character approaching the window looking at his victims, we see a close up of his cunning smile. This then gives the audience ideas of what might happen next.
In the final shot of the opening scene we see the main character leave the room he was watching his victims from, as he leaves we see his hand reach into his bag and the scene cuts. (the audience know that the bomb is in the bag).

Target Audience

We feel our film will be for young adults and late teens.
This is because of the school environment it's based in, young adults will feel connected as they've not long left school, and late teenagers will still be in school, or in an environment related to school e.g. college.
They will also relate to the actors as they will be young, and the mise-en-scene will be set to also connect to people this age (15-20)
The theme of our film 'bullying' may also relate to them in some way or another, they my have been bullied themselves or know of someone who have been bullied.

Friday 30 September 2011

This is my frame-by-frame analysis of the opening sequence of a thriller film. I have chosen to analyse the modern James Bond, Casino Royale.
Frame 1: In some ways, this is one of the most important frames of the film. This establishes the setting and tone. The shot is revealed to be edited in black and white. This immediately grabs our attention because it’s something we don’t see in every film. The black and white effect conveys a very chilling and sinister feel. The shot is a wide angle of a tall city building and is shot in this way because it offers a full view of the action. Smoke can be seen coming from the road however this is not a main focus, this is just to add to the mise-en-scene. The shot is filmed at night which is a typical convention of a thriller opening to add suspense. A single street light can be seen and provides a spot light for what is to come.

Next, a car comes into view from left to right and stops outside the building. We cannot yet see who’s in the car and this is purposely done to make us, the audience, ask questions. Straight after this the words ‘Praque, Czech Republic’ in clear white writing, replace the space where the car was and this was used to inform the audience of the location.

Frame 2: The mysterious figure in the car steps out and his face is revealed. This is shot at a low angle and this shot has been chosen because it makes the male look important and imposing. The building is featured behind him in the shot and this is to give us clues of what is coming next. His face is stern as he checks no one is around. At this point we are very suspicious of the character before us.

Frame 3: This is another low angle shot of the character going up in the lift. The effect of this makes the building appear large and it makes it obvious that he is traveling up. His face shows us the same uncompromising expression of composure. There is still no sound at this point.

Frame 4: This frame is our character actually in the lift and is shot at a high angle, looking down at the male character. I think this is done because we see more of his body and it is shot in an angle that a lift camera would view him.

Frame 5: This shot is extremely simple but effective and only lasts for a brief for seconds. We see a medium close-up of the lift number changing. The effect of this is that it shows us he is going up and is typical of what we’d expect to see in a lift which confirms where he is.

Frame 6: Here we see the man walking along a long corridor having just left the lift. This is a medium shot. Everything is still in black and white and there in no sound but his footsteps. The whole building is metal and glass and this would have been chosen to create a cold, harsh and mysterious setting. They would not want a place with detail or character as this is simply a building for the characters to meet.

Frame 7: The camera is positioned behind an office desk at a low angle to shortly capture the door opening which signals our male character coming through the other side. The mise-en-scene shows us typical elements of an office such as plants, stationary etc.

Frame 8: The male character strides across the room and the camera follows him in a panning shot which towards the end moves up to a long shot of him turning on a lamp. This is included because we get the impression that the panning camera is another pair of eyes. At this point the camera is now positioned behind an office chair.

Frame 9: We suddenly go from a long shot on the other side of the room to a close-up of his face. His expression is knowing as if he realises he is not alone.

Frame 10: Our heroic character James Bond speaks and the camera quickly spins to an over the shoulder shot of our male character looking at Bond lounged in an office chair. Bond’s facial expression is cunning and Propp’s character types reveals that the male we’ve been watching is the bad guy.

Frame 11: This shot continues but becomes closer so we only see the male characters ear and we are given a closer view of Bond. Both characters are dressed in black which ties in to the black and white editing.

Frame 12: As the characters exchange dialogue the male character is shot as a low angle with the office lamp alluminating his face to make him look more sinister. He walks left out of shot and sits in the chair opposite Bond. At this point the sound of violins subtly creep in which builds even more tension.

Frame 13: This is a really important shot as it is a wide angle where we see both characters sat at different sides of the room. They are both sat at the same height and appear as equals. This builds even more suspense for the audience and we cannot predict what will happen next.

Frame 14: A close up of the draw opening next to the male character to reveal a gun placed in the centre alone with some other device. We return to the previous shot of the male character behind the lamp and as he speaks, he removes his black leather gloves which signifies something is going to happen.

Frame 15: His voice continues but the shot moves to a wide angle with Bond on the very left still sat in the office chair, listening to him. The music continues but it is very slow, and drawn out, much like the tension and convosation between the two characters.

Frame 16-17: The camera switches twice between the two characters, each time shooting at a medium shot as each one speaks.

Frame 18: Bond has a flash back of what he other character is talking about. We can tell this because the lighting is different, much brighter in comparison to the dark and mysterious atmosphere of the building. The music pace increases as we see this flashback fight scene and then in contrast slows right down again as we’re back in the office for the next shot.

Frame 19: We’re immediately back to a medium-close up of the male character with the gun from the draw in his hand pointing a Bond. He says a cutting line, “Shame, we barely got to know each other” and then shoots. The tension is sky high at this point with our heroic main character in a vulnerable position. We expect to hear a loud bang but instead receive a pathetic click and the male characters smug facial expression drop when he realises there are no bullets in his gun.

Frame 20: The camera moves back to Bond at a medium shot with a cunning look once again and reveals he had the bullets. At this point the tension climaxes once more as we’re intrigued to find out what he’s going to do.

Frame 21-22: The camera continues to switch from character to character as they continue exchanging dialogue. They are both medium close-ups. Notice how the male character is stood up and tense, while Bond is casually still lounging in the office chair. We know which character is in control here.

Frame 23: Another flashback of the same scene of Bond and another villain informs us of his capabilities and ensures our trust in him.

Frame 24: More dialogue is exchanged before the music very quickly paces and the camera spins back to Bond revealing a medium close up of him shooting the gun at the male character. While the audience is relieved, their still asking questions which is really effective to keep up during the opening sequence.

Frame 25: Next, a high angle of the male character flying from his chair, across the floor and lying still which confirms his killing.

Frame 26: Bond delivers a final cutting line and rises from his chair. This is shot at a medium angle.

Frame 27: There is a long shot of Bond in the setting of the flashback facing the wall. There is silence for dramatic tension. Suddenly he turns round and shoots the position of the camera and the theme song begins to play which concludes the opening sequence.

Thursday 29 September 2011

Frame 1: 0:53 Seconds the camera has used a zooming shot/long shot to suggest that something is going to happen to the building as it gets closer. Also as we get near we can hear a shot threw the window which is a diegetic sound.

Frame 2: We see a man in a clowns mask which indicates that the character isn't to be known which makes us the audience want to watch more and find out who he is. The light is low in this frame to portray the genre thriller.

Frame 3: I think this frame uses a wide shot to show us what the character is doing. This frame again is using diegetic sound, and from this we can see him load the gun up. From that we can tell that they are trying to get to the other side to the next building. Again the light is low in this frame.

Frame 4: In this frame the camera does a long shot focusing on the clowns mask as it gets closer. After a car appears and makes a diegetic sound of the car braking quickly to pick the character up. As that happens, the background music appears to build up the thought of something going to happen to do with the men in clown masks.

Frame - First 1 mintue of Premonition analysis (starts at 1.28 secs):
Frame 1: A birds eye shot is used to establish that the character is in a car, this is also established by the diagetic sounds of car doors shutting. During this shot a shallow focus is used through out.

Frame 2: During frame 2 you notice that the scenes colour has been distorted, it seems a lot brighter than what it should. The scene uses the concept of light and dark in order to portray the genre of psycho thriller.
You also see a close up of a 'happy' couple, this shot then zooms out into a mid shot. (A two shot)

Frame 3: A mid shot of a front door, this seems completely normal, however the red bow on the front suggests it may be a present/suprise! Red however has many connotations one of them I think of is love, and the second is evil, I feel the film makers have used this to show how object can have different meanings. This again connects with the genre of pyscho thriller.
The shot then zooms out and you see the couple and the door together with a sold sign, this makes it clear to the audience watching what has happened.

Frame 4: A close up to show the couples reaction to what has just happened. (A two shot) Another shallow focus shot is used to create more effect.

Frame 5: A side shot of the couple is shown, its shown using a mid shot.
Again I think this is used to show the reactions of the characters from a different perspective. (Shallow focus is again used).

Frame 6: Another face on shot of the characters is used.
Again a shallow focus is used showing only the main features in the scene (the actors).

Frame 7: A second side shot of the actors is used, the male actor is shown dangling keys infront of the females face, again making a point of what is happening during the scene.